Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Question of the Day

Today marks the ONE MONTH COUNTDOWN to Breaking Dawn! YAYYYY!

In honor of that, my question is this:

What is your game plan for reading the book? Staying up all night? Pacing yourself? Skimming as quickly as you can and re-reading later? Savoring it since it's the last one?

8 enjoyed the bouquet.:

heatheryruth said...

I'm planning to actually start it the next day! By the time I get the book and get home I'm sure I'll be pretty wiped out! Since I have 2 little ones and another on the way to watch, I need to be able to keep up with them...but needless to say...whatever ever they are doing it will be something and requires minimal supervision so that I can read THE WHOLE TIME!!!

Jill Berry said...

I'm torn...I read the last one way too fast -so with this one I want to take my time. But I also don't want to miss any of the fun SVC discussion!!

Ryah said...

I will probably stay up all night reading. Then read it again, and again, and again...

Erin said...

Yes. I will probably stay up all night and read it quickly as to determine what happens (though I won't peek ahead), and then re-read, and re-read, etc...

Corinne said...

I, too, will read it as fast as I can the night we get it. I'm dying to know what happens! I am promising that I will not look at the end.

Then I will be going to a bachelorette party, then Alison's BBQ and then out of town. While out of town, I will read EVERY WORD to make sure I enjoy it fully.

Jes said...

That weekend is turning out to be FULL! I don't know what I will do! On Sat I have a fam reunion pinic, and then a bachelorette party, and the next day a bbq.... I will probably sleep all day Friday and pull an all nighter. I may pass out on Sunday before the bbq ;)

alison said...

I'm not really sure because I will have just gotten to MN and I have no idea what I will be doing. moving in? maybe. Its just hard to say.

Traditionally, I would start asap and read until done.

Anonymous said...

I will wait until Ryah is done, and then I will read it as quickly as I can. (Cause I'm sure Ryah will want to read it again!)