Wednesday, May 21, 2008

America's Test Kitchen: The Host

Corinne: If the chicken is the host...

Ryah: The cheese is the alien?

Kari is making Bloody Marys (Maries?) as we speak, though that is much more Twilight-related. Stuffed chicken is on the menu.

Corinne is singing Brandy/Monica "The Boy Is Mine," as per usual, as it goes so well with The Host (but the book is inconsequential to the song).

Alison and Jes, we're cheersing you. Peace.

16 enjoyed the bouquet.:

alison said...

ugh. I hate you all.

Kari said...

Results are in:

3 out of 4 of us predicted your comment would contain the words hate and you.

But we were ALL expecting the word BITCHES.


alison said...

I considered calling you motherfuckers bitches, but I didn't want to get predictable...

I hate that you get to hang out without me and have lots of fun and inside jokes.

but I dont like bloody marys.

Kari said...

It's okay, we're having a miserable time. We'd be having a much better time if you were here.

alison said...

thanks, kari. but you are a bad liar...

Kari said...

Ok, we're not miserable per say. Mostly drunk. But still missing you!

alison said...

stop drinking, damnit! you need to save up your drunken potential for Saturday.

Also, I am curious what the boys do now that good dinner night has turned into a vampwhore fest.

Kari said...

The boys aren't here -- we disallowed them from attending.

Except for Jasper, Edward, Ian and Jace.

alison said...

I hate to break it to you, but Jace is with me tonight.

dang. with all this talk of COB, I really want to read the books again!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! We get left at home! How RUDE! I'm starving!!!!!

alison said...

damn right. ryah, get your ass home!

glad you made it over to svc jeremy!

Anonymous said...

I just can't stay away! I need to know what's going on with my wife!

Jes said...

soooooo. um- If I take off Wednesdays, can I join the fun too?

Erin said...

YAY, Jes! You should come too!

Ladies, I had so much fun tonight. And it was only a half hour exit to exit from Kari's to Cottage Grove. Much better than I thought it'd be. I hope it's OK if I join you on future Wednesdays! I can buy groceries too! (Or make dessert. Or bring booze. Or all of the above.)

Alison, can you move home already?? Things would be so much better.

YAY Jeremy for checking SVC! Very Edwardish of you, checking on your wife. Are the guys usually allowed at Test Kitchen? Matt was really jealous when he heard about the chicken. I told him he needs to finish Eclipse first (he's about 100 pages away). He helped me take off my bracelet, took a closer look at it, and exclaimed, "I get it now!!" Yay.

I WILL finish COA before Saturday.

heatheryruth said...

Wow! It sounds like such a good time!! Do you guys do that every Wednesday?! I personally like that the guys get booted out for the evening! hehe!

Kari said...

Well, they don't typically get kicked out -- mostly we keep them around to chase Finn (my 3-yr-old) around while we cook.

Anyone and everyone is welcome on Wednesdays! Sarcasm, wine and discussion of all things awesome are required.