Monday, June 2, 2008

Question of the Day

If you were an editor of SM's Twilight series, is there anything you would cut or ask her to add?

For my own answer:
Wow, Corinne, what a hard question... The books are so perfect as they are. I don't know that there are particular parts I would cut, but I know I started to tire of the same fights between Bella and Edward, Bella and Jacob about what was good for her/who she could or could not love or be friends with.

If I were to add anything, Bella and Jacob would have kissed some more when she goes to see him after he got hurt in Eclipse. Not on the cheeks/face that they did. Real kissing. An awesome "I love you. Goodbye." kiss. Oh, my poor Jacob.

31 enjoyed the bouquet.:

Ryah said...

Nice one lady.

I would have also liked to see more Bella/Jacob kissing action.

Hmmm, I would like to see Edward a little less controlling in the beginning of Eclipse, (he actually bothered me :0), that's all I got.
These books are perfect.

alison said...

I totally concur with corinne and ryah. I wish that Edward woudl have been jealous without, like, forcing Bella into sleepovers and doing somehting to her car so it wouldn't start. that just made me angry. I would have liked him a lot better if he had dealt with his jealousy in a different way.

and more bella/jacob action.

and more Jasper!!!

alison said...

oh, and also, edward and bella should get it on already!

Jes said...

you guys kill me....
First I have to say, you guys don't understand Edward at all...
Second, tough question. I would have liked Bella to be more self aware in Eclipse. I thnk she treats both Jabcob and Edward poorly and it drove me crazy.

Ryah said...

Don't get me wrong, I luuuuv Edward.
I just hate in the beginning of Eclipse how he dismantles her truck so she can't go to LaPush, and is alwyays restraining her when Jacob is around.
I know he thinks he is protecting her, but if someone was doing that to me I'd be like, "eff of, you're not the boss of me."

Good call Alison, we need to know more about Jasper!

Jill Berry said...

I was annoyed too w/ Edward's controlling in the first book. I thought he was just being a manipulative vampire and I wasn't supposed to trust him.
I also got annoyed in the beginning of the 3rd book when Jacob was portrayed a little bit like "The Fonz"...pulling up on his motorcycle all bad and stuff. I'm thinking...don't make him a stereotypical greaser!

heatheryruth said...

HAHA! Honestly I like everything about the books! I guess I could have done without (sorry ladies don't burn me at the stake...) Bella falling for Jacob. and I REALLY could have done without her kissing him! I just want Bella and Edward together HAHA! and I agree...Bella and Edward need to get it on already!!! TIME FOR SOME LOVIN'!!

alison said...

Ryah explains it nicely. Its not that I dont believe Edward loves Bella, but in No relationship, is it appropriate for someone to behave that way, no matter how much they "love" or are concerned with the other. I can't believe that SM would give women such a poor role model in protagonist/lover relationship.

Jes said...

I think that if you see edward as controling, you need to see
Jacob as munipulative (after all they are both teenage boys). Edward fears for Bella's life, and it is the most precious thing- Alice can't see bella's future when she is in La Push... plus edward completely sees his errors, where I am not sure Jacobs ever does or will.

Jes said... is Jacob any better? He is the one to physically hurt her, and force himself on her, oh yeah- and munipulate ger emotions by saying he is gonna go and get himself killed since she doesn't love him??? gag me.

Erin said...

Whew...I go to a faculty meeting, and come back to a full-fledged debate!

I think many of you have already said what I think. I wish Bella would have kissed Jacob again. I wish Edward would have been less controlling.

Not that I wish she would have changed this, but I would have been interested to see how things with Victoria would have gone down had Bella been a vampire. If Edward wouldn't have been able to suck out the venom in Twilight and Bella would have changed, would Victoria still have sought revenge? The story would have been changed in so many ways. Is there any possible chance that Bella could have still formed a strong friendship/love with Jacob? Probably not.

Again, not something I necessarily want to see, just something I wonder about...

Jes said...

I think forsure Victoria would have sought, she wouldn't even know bella was a vamp probably till she was already seeking her out. but that get s me thinking... Maybe in Breaking Dawn it will be a big vamp fight between Jane and Bella. That'd be awesome.

Ryah said...

Jill-hilarious! A greaser!

Both Edward and Jacob are both guilty of hurting Bella. Wihtout Jacob, she would have become a zombie (sorry Kari) and I really respect that he was there for her even though he knew she was still in love with Edward.

And I do agree with you Jes about Jacob behaving like a teenager, but then again, he is one. I love the agnst.

Erin, you bring up a good point. I think Victoria would still come after Bella as well. The whole story would be different if Bella would have become a vampire in Twilight. But I think that would mean no Jacob, and that would be sad (for some).

VampBella would totally kick Jane's ass in a mind fight!

heatheryruth said...

CHIC VAMP FIGHT! WOOHOO! hehe! That'd be awesome!! I think Jes and I are on the same wave length regarding Jacob. I kind of view him as immature compared to Edward (duh who is much older that his appearance) and even Bella! He just trys to get his way in by means that just seem so childish in comparison. Edward is a little overbearing...but KNOWS it and knows his faults. Jacob just seems to think he's THE BEST and has no faults when in actuality he has just as many.

Jes said...

thank you heather

Anonymous said...

Wow! You guys have WAY too much time on your hands!
But I guess I do too. Anyway.....
Edward acts that way because he is used to knowing what everyone is thinking, and it is frustrating for him with Bella. You all need to remember that this is his first relationship too. I'm not saying everything he does is right, but he usually gets his own way, and now that isn't happening, and he doesn't know how to handle it. AND, if that isn't bad enough, he's got competition from a teen-age werewolf!

heatheryruth said...

WOOT! The Male Perspective! AWESOME! Good insight Jeremy! You make some very good points!!

Ryah said...

Everyone, give it up to my lady-husband for sparking such a fun debate!


My man-husband for bringing the male voice into our little debate!

Ineresting points Jeremy...

alison said...

thanks for commenting, Jeremy.

I guess my perspective is that I understand why he does what he does, but he shouldn't act that way.

Maybe its just my line of work that causes this to make me so mad, but those are warning signs for domestic violence, y'all, and I see it all too much.

Erin said...

YAY for Ryah's lady husband AND man husband!!

Jeremy, excellent points. I was annoyed with Edward in the beginning of Eclipse but don't fault him too much. He's my fave, but I love Jacob too.

Kari said...

Warning signs for domestic violence!! I'm Lady LOLing.

I'm with Heather/Jes/Jeremy. I may have been worried if Edward continued being a jealous boyfriend, but he realized his error and changed. Did Jacob change? Not really. I still feel a little bad for him -- I don't think he was trying to be malicious, but he forced himself on her and that, to me, was way worse.

To answer the question: I wouldn't change a thing. What would we be discussing if everything went as we planned? Possibly (since I'm the editor in this scenario) I would have SM devote an entire page to how awesome I am. Obvs.

alison said...

I actually wasn't kidding about that...

Kari said...

Oh, I know. It was just so much like something I would say (if I were arguing for Jacob), that it made me laugh.

Ryah said...

I know I need to re-read Eclipse, but I never read it as Jacob forcing himself upon Bella. She wanted to kiss him, she loves him, and he knew it and wanted to make HER see it as well.

I am glad that Edward changed his jealous ways at the end of the book, he realized the error of his ways and decided that he would let Bella make her own choices.

Jacob had his heart broken. I couldn't imagine my feelings if the person I loved (and I knew loved me back) was marrying someone else. So, I can kinda see why he reacted that way.

Ok, I'm done. This was fun.

alison said...

yeah, good question. now corinne its your turn to weigh back in.

heatheryruth said...

Wow...Great question and input today! I love hearing everyones perspectives! I'm off for the afternoon...My oldest daughters dress rehearsal for Dance is today! I look forward to seeing what arises by the time I come home this evening! GO SVC!!! :)

Jes said...

YAY Jeremy!!!! Love you all! great heated debate!
One we will continue to have I am afraid! I wonder if it will get worse or not with Breaking Dawn? hmmm.
I need to think og a good question of the day... I will do tmrws!

Jes said...

I know what I would have her add! I want to know more of the back story of what really went down between Charlie and Renee

Jill Berry said...

To add to what Ryah just said about Jacob. I think he's just using every tactic he can to not only get Bella's heart but also in his view to save her life. Since once she's a vampire she'll pretty much be dead to him. We all knew she'd pick Edward, but you can't blame a dog for tryin!

Corinne said...

I loved reading all the responses. This kind of morphed into something else, but good discussion.

My thoughts are such: No matter how either Edward or Jacob went about it or no matter their reasons, it was still controlling and still manipulative behavior. How many DV/Abusive situations does the guy say "I did this to protect you" but they still overstepped? No matter what the reason, it still doesn't seem right (for both these guys)

I give Edward credit for seeing that it needs to be Bella's choice. He can't control what she does, he can only really tell her how he feels.

As for Jacob. I do agree that he is childish, but I don't really fault his manipulation. He does know that Bella loves him, but she is in a vamp-trance. She is so consumed with Edward, she can't see her real feelings. The tent scene was, true, and act of manipulation, but more an act of desperation. If any of us believed the other was in danger or in denial (I think of it kind of like a cult intervention) wouldn't do anything in our power to make the other person see? I don't think it was forced, I think he thought it was necessary.

Both E and J made mistakes regarding Bella--but I don't think you can say that Jacob didn't change too. Read the end of Eclipse again. The last Bella/Jacob scene (where the should have kissed). Jacob knew it was over and was going to "be good" and be Bella's friend.

I love these books. I love both of these boys. I am so jealous that Bella got to be with them both.

Those are my two cents.

alison said...

OME someone agreed with me!!!

thanks for putting in your small change, girl.

and yeah, since you bring up specifics, I can admit that I have forgotten about jacob's sins since I heart him so much, I can admit that he is manipulative as well. I love them to death, I just wish SM could make Bella stronger in response to their bad behavior.