Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Question(s) of the Day

Today, I have two questions relating to Bella (I just thought they kind of went together). Feel free to answer one or both!

1. Bella is unable to see why boys like her so much in Forks. Why is this? How does she handle it (well/not well/why)?

2. Do you view Bella as a strong woman or a weak woman? Explain how you think she is strong or weak.

11 enjoyed the bouquet.:

heatheryruth said...

I think Bella is just so used to kinda being the "freak" from her last school (remember in AZ she was just kinda glossed over becuz she looked so different than all the blonde tanned goddesses!) That she just can't comprehend that people actually find her so attractive!

As for her being strong or weak, I think it's a little of both! It takes alot of courage and strength to move away and then try to pursue a relationship the hardships of Edward and hers. However at the same time she is SOOOO dependent on this that she can't function without that makes her a little weak I think! I'm married and have been with the same guy for almost 10 years...however I have never been SOOO dependent on our relationship that I can't function without him should anything happen to take us apart! (which happens quite often actually given that he's a military man!

Kari said...

1. I don't think it even crosses Bella's mind that she's attractive. When she went to school in Arizona, she wasn't even noticed. Why should it be any different in Forks? Of course it is. SM writes about why all the boys lurv Bella here.

Does she handle it well? I think she has good intentions. Especially trying to get Mike and Jessica together.

2. I think Bella starts off pretty weak. She's grown stronger in each book. By BD she's going to kick ass.

Maggie said...

1. I think Bella doesn't see herself as others do, especially because of her time spend in AZ. I think it is really funny how she handles all of the unwanted attention in Forks. A normal teenage girl would be absolutely freaking out in happiness, but she is so annoyed by it. I love people like that.

I think Bella is a strong woman in the way that she can handle such a stressful, dangerous relationship. However, I also agree that she is just so dependent that she can't function without Edward, and that is unhealthy. But then again their relationship is unlike any other...who would be able to survive normally again if Edward suddenly belonged to you?

Jes said...

I think Bella is like any other typical teenage girl. it is a rare teenager who thinks they are attractive and thinks they deserve attention, there are always a few, but they are the minority.

It is hard for me to see Bella as a women, she is a teen to me. I think she is learning who is is by this expirience- she is weak in ways because she is ruled by her emotions with the quick decisions she makes, and she is strong because she has expirienced heart ache. We are watching her become a women and I think by the end of Breaking Dawn she will be a Strong Women- But even at the begining of Breaking Dawn she is such a whinny teen to me.
(she has a lot to learn about give and take yet in relationships- and for that matter so does Edward)

Erin said...

I agree with a lot of what's already been said. I think (1) that Bella maybe isn't that oblivious but just chooses NOT to think about all the guys who are pursuing her, and (2) while she is a teenager, she's proved herself capable of making pretty well informed life-altering decisions, as shown in Breaking Dawn, which I think makes her fairly strong. While she seems like a pushover in other aspects of her life, she is firm in this choice about her future.

alison said...

1. I think it is hard for girls, especially at that age, to see themselves for who they really are. Especially if they aren't the queen bee type.

2. I see Bella as being weak. I can't help it. I think shes a little baby that needs her hand held in order to do anything. She won't make it to 30 if she doesn't become a vampire... She just doesn't seem to be able to take care of herself. She always needs someone to make sure she's ok.

Anonymous said...

To answer question 2......
I think she is both. She is strong when the situation calls for it, i.e. taking care of her mom, and then taking care of Charlie.
She is weak when she's around Edward & Jacob, and well, why wouldn't she be? One's a Vampire, and the other is a Werewolf!!

Jes said...

Jeremy brings up a very good point that I forget about, she does take care of her parents- which is huge in my book. good points jeremy.

Corinne said...

I think Bella is insecure. So she doesn't believe that someone could like her.

That insecurity takes me to the second part of the question. I give it to her for taking the chance to move to Forks but I have a hard time thinking positively about Bella. I don't like that she doesn't do a good job standing up for herself.

I don't know. I could be torn. But it's hard for me to know what people see in Bella and that is clouding my judgment in answering this question.

alison said...

yeah, corinne, it seems like bella can take care of others and can be taken care of by others, but she can't seem to take care of herself. At least that is the way it seems to me.

Ryah said...

Ditto C and A.