Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Question of the Day

Yay, it's my turn to ask a question and I have one!

What is your fave quote or bit of dialogue from the books??
( i want to challenge you all not to say the meadow scene, the hitch me baby scene, or the bella jacob kissing scene- we know those are all faves)

I am asking this because I have finally found the courage to read New Moon again. This is the second time for me. I have started it a few times, but can never get past the goodbye- and then I flip to when Edward returns. So, I have been reading it and I got to the part where Bella and Jacob are comparing their ages in dog years, dog years! I thought this was really funny, now knowing what is to come. I have to admit-I laughed at a part in New Moon- I think you'd all call this progress.

23 enjoyed the bouquet.:

alison said...

I lurrrrrve the tent scene where Jacob and Bella are all snuggled up and Jacob and Edward are talking. So funny and awesome. And also the hot Jacob/Bella makeout scene that follows. mmmmmm...

Ryah said...

Hmmm, good question. I have to think about this one.

And I am so proud of you for reading New Moon Jes!!

Ryah said...

Oh! I got it! I never fully appreciated this scene the first time I read Twilight, but now that I have read the series, it just gives a little insight into how awesome Jasper is.

In Phoenix, when Jasper, Bella, and Alice are hiding out in the hotel room. Jasper can feel Bella's emotions and says something to the effect of, "I can feel what you're thinking, and you're wrong, you ARE worth it."

Mmmm, Jasper.

Erin said...

Oh, so many scenes to love. I love the tent scene, too - so much to take in during that scene. I read and re-read it. Love the meadow scene, love the hitch scene.

But I have to say, if I had to pick another scene that's my fave, I'd have to say after Bella wakes up with Edward next to her at the end of New Moon and they have their reunion talk. And I'm paraphrasing, but the whole "Before you, Bella, the world was a dark night, but there were points of light and reason, stars - then you shot across like a meteor..." etc etc. And the BEST part is when he tries to kiss her, and she initially says no, and he says, "Why not?" And then ends up kissing her later. HOT.

Some other things...I really love in Twilight when Edward is obviously laughing at her from his Volvo when she skids out of the lot in her truck, and when he stops so that Tyler has a chance to ask her to the dance. AND I love when Emmett roars after Bella says she punched a werewolf in the face.

Seriously hard question. I'll probably come up with dozens of other scenes I love...

Erin said...

Oh, Ryah - good one. Really good one. Jasper...

Jes said...

ok- i guess my fave Bella/Edward scene is also in New Moon...
I LOVE it, when BElla saves Edward and he looks down at her at thinks that he is in Heaven. I love that moment, and I am so oddly happy for him that he thinks that... and then they both live, yay!

Jes said...

oh- yes, that's the best Jasper quote ryah!

Jill Berry said...

One of my favs is the debate in Bella's head about what would happen if Juliet never got to be with Romeo. I think it's just as Jacob takes her chin in his hand to kiss her and then the phone rings! dang.

Corinne said...

Can you have TWO questions in one day? That seems illegal.

I can only think of the ANGST parts I love right now. I can't think of funny. Probably because this is what I was reading last night and it goes along with the last discussion. But I love the summation Jacob gives Bella about why they can't be together.

My paraphrase is Jacob telling Bella he wouldn't be like a drug, he would be her Sun.

She confirms that he was her sun and he balanced out her clouds.

He returns by saying "The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse."

[me: "GASP!" sob.]

Oh, but I was also re-reading the part where Bella is learning to ride the motorcycle (as I now can relate to it). Jacob describes the clutch as a live grenade, then later tells her to let go of the clutch and Bella says "You want me to let go of the grenade!"

Jes said...

what? we didn't have two questions in one day! check the dates!

Anonymous said...

OK, here's mine. I think the best scene is after Bella breaks her hand by hitting Jacob after he kisses her. He takes her home, and Charlie asks what happened. Jacob tells him that she broke her hand, Charlie asks how, and Jacob says, "She hit me".
Charlie asks why, and Jacob says, "Because I kissed her", and Charlie's response to that is, "Good for you, kid".

Jes said...

That one does make me laugh too

Corinne said...

It's funny Jes, I specifically waited to post until after midnight. But i guess it posts to the time you started your entry???

oh well. two is good too.

heatheryruth said...

Wow! So Many good scenes to choose from! I think besides the obvious that were stated (meadow, hitch etc) I LOVE the Tent scene...but that's been discussed as well! So for something NEW...I guess I LOVE when they are watching Romeo and Juliet and Edward is reciting everything in Bella's Ear...uh...YUM! I also enjoy the scene where Rosalie finally tells her story. It finally gives her some redemption. I also like hearing Jasper's story! Just fun to know the histories of all the various characters!

Jes said...

heather- I love the romeojuliet scnec too...I wish he could whisper in my ear, sigh.

heatheryruth said...

Jes- Oh God I know! I'd have just been a puddle had I been sitting there while he did that! *SWOONS*

alison said...

I like that quote too jeremy ;) ...its adorable how up front jakey is about everything.

Kylie said...

Okay, I absolutely love everything you guys have already said, but one of my personal favorites is in New Moon (???) when Bella asks Edward if her blood or her body is more tempting and he has to whisper both.

Also, I love the kiss right before the baseball scene in Twlight. *melting*

alison said...

I don't remember when that happened, but definitely a great moment.

good picks!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love all those scenes too.

But since Jess is reading New Moon again, and I like talking about vampires, I absolutely love the scenes where Jake asks about Bella's scar from James's bite, and when Bella tells Jake what really happened in Phoenix.

Sometimes I wish he'd remember those conversations, and all that it entailed. (Such as Edward can stop himself from killing Bella.)

alison said...

Good point, Madelynn--that Jacob should already know about Edward's restraint had never crossed my mind. Interesting...

Anonymous said...

Really? did you get deppressed when you read New moon? I did. and the weirdest thing happened when i read it the first time. when they said good bye my mom was in the other room watching Spiderman 2 and i heard the sad music and it amost made me cry. you know sad music, separation, all that really builds up. i was sad.

Erin said...

Oh, Kris, New Moon is so depressing. But I have to say...I never really cried. I always had faith that Edward wasn't really gone...don't know why. I couldn't believe it. I read the middle section as fast as I could, and then was relieved.

When I read it the second third etc times, though, my heart really went out to Jacob. I mean, he pretty much knew what he was getting into, but he was so in love with Bella and she drops him without much thought at the end of the book. Poor guy...